FX Smith's Sons has been established since 1863, making it the oldest cigar brand in the USA. Our family-owned cigar brand has stood the test of time, crafting the finest cigars with unwavering dedication and expertise. With each puff, you're transported to a world of rich flavors and timeless tradition, as we continue to honor our legacy and provide aficionados with an unparalleled smoking experience. Join us on this journey through history, as we celebrate over a century of passion, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of perfection."
Topper Cigar Company has been around for over a century. They offer affordable medium bodied cigars using Dominican, Honduran, and American fillers, Pennsylvania binders, and Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers blend.
Marsh Wheeling stogies were made in wheeling for over 161 years, making the company the oldest cigar manufacturing operation in the united states. Legendary Marsh Wheeling Stogies are back!